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Forum for Political Philosophy (III)


Reassessing Egalitarianism: Recent Work on Equality

Speaker: Jeremy Moss

       Director of the Social Justice Initiative, University of Melbourne

Member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts

Consultant to UNESCO

Discussant: Zhou Lian

Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

Time: 15:00-17:30, June 19 (Thursday), 2014

Venue: 6th Floor Conference Room, Humanities Building

Organizer: RUC Research Center for Political Philosophy

Dr. Moss’ main research interests are in political philosophy and moral theory. Current research interests include projects on egalitarian approaches to climate justice, the value of equality, political obligation, the ethics of renewable energy as well as the capability approach to equality. He has recently completed a book entitled Reassessing Egalitarianism (Palgrave McMillan) and Climate Change and Justice forthcoming with Cambridge University Press.